Monday, September 7, 2009

How I stumbled upon something amazing...

So, I made the bold statement that you may not have to ever see your doctor again in a link that was sent out to many people on Dr. Joe Vitale and Pat O Bryan's list... I'm happy to say that a lot of people decided to check it out.

I know that it sounds too good to be true - and honestly, the thought of directly challenging drug companies has some of my loved ones concerned about my safety!

But what would you do if you were me and knew of an amazing technique that literally has kept you out of the doctors office for years and years? Wouldn't you be excited and want to tell everyone? I'm in better health now at 47 than I was at 27! I used to have constant back pain - now, I ride dirt bikes (I just bought a Yamaha YZ 250 that is freaking fast) again (with my 12 year old!) and fly through the air without a concern for my back... I used to have knee pain, ankle pain, shoulder pain - ALL of it is gone! I used to have heart palpitations too - go to to see how I got rid of them...

But things get even better! If you learn how to use this technique called EFT AND apply the law of attraction in your life, AND learn some about what it means to be unconditionally loving, then you can literally be, do and have whatever you want so quickly that your head will spin! But be careful! Head spinning may hurt! But that's okay because now you will know how to heal it quickly..

My passion is understanding who we truly are, and what our limits are - and what I have found to be true, through metaphysical study, and reading Quantum Physics books, is that even from a scientific perspective, there is plenty of absolute PROOF that YOU are much more powerful than you realize... Years ago, when I started studying the metaphysical world, I taught my kids to bend spoons with the power of their mind... A friend of mine saw someone more objects with just the power of his mind... We are only starting to understand our power - and that is my passion - to help you to believe in yourself and your abilities, no matter where you are in life.

I hope that you come along with me on this journey of discovery.

Click HERE to find out how to a video about the best energy healing technique on the plant (better than hypnosis, or Reiki, or anything else that I've experienced... Watch the video and download the free eBook.